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Terms and Conditions
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Finca Agualinda offers you a cordial welcome and hopes that you enjoy a peaceful and recreational stay. Please read these guests terms and conditions carefully, our goal is to provide as much as comfort and rest as we can offer to all our concurrent guests.

  1. All guests must fill out their personal details online days before on the website provided, and register upon arrival, presenting identification.

  2. Check-in time is 3:00 pm on the initial reserved day. Departure time must be arranged before 11:30 am on the final day booked. After this time guests will pay for another day of stay.

  3. Guests will cover the total amount of their stay in advance, including a predetermined deposit as a guarantee, which will be returned upon delivering the cabin in correct conditions and in accordance with these regulations. 

  4. No reservation money or credits will be returned if the reservation is not withdrawn 48 hours prior to the stipulated day and time of entry.

  5. The payment method will be electronic, deposited in a bank or credit card. Cash or personal checks are not accepted.

  6. Cabins are delivered in good condition and cleanliness; We expect to be returned in the same way.

  7. The deterioration, breakage or loss of any element will be deducted from the deposit according to the appraisal and inventory of each cabin kept by the Administration.

  8. Any guest who behaves contrary to these rules, morality or public order will be removed from Finca Agualinda at any time, damages incurred will be evaluated and, if applicable, pertinent authorities and laws will be appealed to.

  9. Finca Agualinda is a quiet space with little noise, it is especially requested to respect rest hours for the benefit of all guests; in the early mornings until 9:00 am, in the afternoon from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm and after 8:00 pm. During these times, try not to make excessive noise, do not use audio equipment outside the cabin and ensure that children do not circulate outside the cabin.

  10. Given the pleasant and quiet condition of Finca Agualinda, and being respectful of individual likeness and preferences, pets inclusion is subject to certain strict control and order measures that will be observed throughout staying period and the owner of said pet must:

    1. Read these observations carefully and commit to following them, Finca Agualinda has video security equipment that records abnormal activities outside the cabins.

    2. Announce the intention to bring a pet by filling out personal information online.

    3. A pet fee will be added to the rent amount.

    4. Refrain from bringing your pet into the interior of the cabin throughout your stay.

    5. Bring an appropriate cage or enclosure to house the pet outside the cabin at the designated site, and must be kept leashed without any excuse.

    6. Avoid pet noises, especially at night. We understand that some pets are not trained to spend the night outdoors and behave in other ways that may disturb other guests.

    7. Bring cleaning, control and management implements for food, waste and animal waste which will be disposed of properly under penalty of fines.

    8. We recommend not bringing your pet if you consider that you or your pet, cannot comply with these requirements and/or behavior described above since any infringement implies ending the stay immediately without any refund of money. 

    9. Finca Agualinda is not responsible (it falls on the guest who owns the pet) for damages, offenses, accidents, injuries and others that your pet incurs to third parties and/or their property, including other pets, local fauna, other guests, visitors, passers-by. or establishment staff.

    10. Finca Agualinda is not responsible for insults, offenses, fatal damages or injuries caused by other pets, other guests, establishment staff or third parties, inflicted to your pet and/or your property.

  11. For your benefit and that of other guests, within Finca Agualinda it is prohibited:

    1. Use and/or carrying of any type of weapons.

    2. Attack the life and honor, or incur in abuse, psychological, physical or sexual mistreatment of minors and/or adults.

    3. The sexual use and/or exploitation of minors and adolescents.

    4. The entry of mobile homes or similar, nor the installation of tents within the property.

    5. Make bonfires inside the property.

    6. For strict security reasons, enter or leave the property by another means other than the entrance to the cabins.

    7. Washing cars or clothes. 

    8. Failure to comply with any of the above requirements implies terminating the stay immediately without any refund. 

  12. The pool is a place surrounded by nature, stones and irregular edges, the water temperature is cold and fresh, and has limitations of use, such as:

    1. Children must always be accompanied by a responsible adult family member.

    2. Adults must notify the administration whenever they want to use the pool one and a half business days in advance.

    3. It is not allowed and it's dangerous to jump from heights or edges and fall into the pool, play or run on the edges around it.

    4. The pool is not always available due to eventual weather conditions.

  13. The cabin is equipped with kitchen utensils, dishes, sink, refrigerator and stove at the guest's disposal and enjoyment. It is recommended to make proper use and return in perfect condition and cleanliness without leaving food or waste, please use the trash cans. Any irregularity will be deducted from the deposit.

  14. The cabins have two or three bathrooms that have all the necessary amenities and implements for the guest's use. It is recommended to make rational and appropriate use of this resource to avoid extra costs.

  15. Finca Agualinda tries to maintain an excellent level of security, but is not responsible for jewelry, money or valuables left inside the cabin. 

  16. There is always opportunity for improvement or congratulations, and we like to hear comments about our guests' experiences, during or after their stay on social networks or by email.

  17. In case of emergency at any time, please contact the cell phone numbers announced in the information provided in each cabin.

  18. Because Finca Agualinda is a nature-friendly place, we invite you to practice ecological behavior with everything that surrounds you, using the amount of water necessary for your care without wasting it. Preserving animal and plant species, especially natural water currents, which should not be contaminated with any chemicals. Garbage must be disposed of in the indicated bins according to its material.

  19. Finca Agualinda reserves the right of admission.

  20. We are aimed at providing you with comfort and tranquility, which is why we thank you in advance for following these regulations and for choosing us as a place of rest and recreation. Hope to see you soon!.


Agualinda 2024®

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